MicroCMS V2 CTF by Hackerone

Jan 13, 2023

In the Micro-CMS V2 CTF by Hackerone, we are given the following hints for the first flag:

  • Regular users can only see public pages
  • Getting admin access might require a more perfect union
  • This immediately made me think about SQL Injection UNION attacks, which you can learn about here.

I began by checking for some basic SQL Injection vulnerabilities with a and admin’.

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These returned errors, but did not provide any useful information.

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I considered opening Burpsuite Intruder and attempting to brute force the username/password combination, but assumed it would be a difficult combination because of the union hint.

I tried a few different payloads, but struggled to blindly guess what the name of the table name was. Eventually, I did some cheating and checked online to see if I could learn the name of the table. I found a writeup saying that the table name was admins.

The final payload I used was:

' UNION SELECT 'pass' AS password FROM admins WHERE '1' = '1

And for the password field:


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Submitting that gave me message saying that I was logged in.

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Clicking on the link to the Private Page displayed the flag.

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The hint for the next flag said: What actions could you perform as a regular user on the last level, which you can’t now?

The “changelog” for page 1 also said: “This version fixed the multitude of security flaws and general functionality bugs that plagued v1. Additionally, we added user authentication; we’re still not sure why we didn’t think about that the first time, but hindsight is 20/20. By default, users need to be an admin to add or edit pages now.”

I used Burpsuite to modify requests and was unable to find an answer that way. Later, I learned that you can send different HTTP request methods using Curl from the command line using the “-X POST” argument. My final command was:

curl -X POST https://7b44997630caaec756ff4da81538e9c9.ctf.hacker101.com/page/edit/1

This immediately gave the second flag.

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The hint for the last flag was: Credentials are secret, flags are secret. Coincidence? I ended up using Burpsuite for this flag as well. My plan was to brute force the username and password, hoping it wasn’t too complex. I recalled from doing this in the past that the username and password were first names. In the past, I had used rockyou.txt, but that took quite a while.

This time, I used a wordlist with only first names in hopes that the challenge was still configured that way. I used Burpsuite’s intercept proxy and then sent the request to the intruder.

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After configuring positions and uploading my wordlist, I began the attack and found that the username was “betsy”, seeing it had a different length than the rest of the responses.

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Trying the username “betsy” with a random password returned an “Invalid password” error, so that showed me that I was on the correct track.

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After running the attack for a few more minutes, the password “teresa” also returned a different length.

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Using the username “betsy” and password “teresa” authenticated me and immediately returned the flag.

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That means this challenge has been completely solved. Be sure to view some of my other Hacker101 CTF writeups!

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