Speedrunning 100,000 Reddit karma in less than a month

Feb 13, 2024

On January 21, 2024, I decided to perform a speedrun on Reddit to see how quickly I could obtain 100,000 karma. It turns out that it's easy to get karma quickly on Reddit if you know where and what to post. Starting out, I had 13 karma. Quite a few subreddits restrict users with low karma from posting, which made it difficult to gain traction at the beginning. Some subreddits had requirements of 100 karma all the way up to 3,000 comment karma in order to post.

I found a subreddit without restrictions and was able to grow a post to nearly 5k upvotes, opening the door to a multitude of other subreddits. In less than 20 days, I reached 100,000 karma - mostly from posting short form videos that I found on Imgur and other platforms. I discovered that posting in large subreddits with over one million members brought in the most upvotes, generally ranging from 1,000 to 30,000. A viral comment in the r/news subreddit also gained me 5,000 upvotes and fulfilled the comment karma requirement that I was missing.

On 2024–06–14, I reached 1 million karma.

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I don't condone spamming or lying about stolen content being your own. I provided sources for content and was always up front that videos were reposted when questioned.
